Friday, March 30, 2012

My Family

Very rarely do I ever step in front of the camera....My comfort zone has always been to be behind the camera.  Last weekend I had the honor of photographing a beautiful couple.  Susan and Greg married 10 years ago....during their marriage he has battled cancer.  They have had years of ups and downs with his health, but always focused on the important things.  The most important was their love for each other.  While preparing for their shoot, I thought about how little we have in photographs of me with the children and my husband.  The last family photograph we have, my youngest was barely a year old.  He is now almost 6.  I felt it was time, whether I liked the way I look or not.  I know that my husband and I both are going to start working on things to be more healthy and future shoots will look better, but for now, my children have a photograph with their mother...I am a very blessed woman to have 3 beautiful children.  All different and incredible in their own unique ways...all in different stages of their childhood.  Little Mason is at that stage where he struggles with smiling naturally for the camera, DeVin my oldest looks uninterested and tough in the photos, but between takes was cracking up and being the jokester he is, and Samantha my beautiful girl was so concerned with small things about her appearance.  All of these things are part of growing up.  Thank you Lord for my family.  My incredible husband who is exactly everything I ever wanted and needed....and as each year passes, I learn more and more about what that 3 insanely wonderful children...and then there is me...all of these incredible, insanely wonderful people live in a part of my heart that runs so deep and is so full...there are no words for how thankful I am to be blessed to have them. 

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